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The Business Voice

Our objective is to provide a powerful voice and formal partnership for our businesses across North Nottinghamshire.


Combining rich history and an exciting future, North Nottinghamshire is a great place to do business.

We have many home-grown multi-nationals and small independents in our town centres, as well as industrial estates and rural areas.

The BID continues to be a creative driving force for change, going above and beyond in several keyways…

Business Resilience

  • Support our businesses to become more resilient, to rebuild and strengthen through relevant training, workshops, business support, information and advice
  • Revitalise the local economy by working collaboratively to encourage more businesses to start, grow and relocate to the district
  • Introduce a ‘What’s in North Notts’ business expo to showcase our fantastic offerings to businesses and potential investors regionally and nationally
  • Develop sector-specific support to help increase the skilled and unskilled labour supply in logistics, manufacturing, engineering, digital and low carbon sectors
  • Forge stronger links with our voluntary community and social enterprise (VSCE) sector to support its work in the community
  • Strengthen relationships with key partners and stakeholders to ensure that we collectively offer a cohesive range of support to our BID members

Tackling Business Crime

  • Develop and expand the work of the North Notts Business Crime Reduction Partnership (NNBCRP) through topical meetings, information sharing and support
  • Enhance our business crime prevention tactics by introducing:
  • SmartWater a traceable liquid and forensic asset-marking system which can identify thieves and deter theft
  • TruckPol gives businesses in the supply chain access to real-time intelligence about risks and threats to safety and freight
  • Procure Town Centre BID Wardens to offer visible support on busy trading days, reassure businesses and the public, and prevent antisocial behaviour CRIME
  • Introduce Night Rangers to undertake targeted patrols at weekends, supporting the busy night-time economy in our larger town centres
  • Upgrade our DISC real-time crime reporting app to include industrial and rural crime reporting
  • Partner with the local police and the Police Crime Commissioner to campaign for better incident response times and keep abreast of relevant initiatives and funding streams
  • Set-Up a new Industrial Watch scheme to support businesses in our industrial estates
  • Continue to introduce new initiatives and training to help reduce business crime

Education, Skills and Enterprise

  • Facilitate links between local businesses, schools, academies and colleges to support direct recruitment opportunities
  • Collaborate with the North Notts Skills Board, D2N2 and other partners to maximise opportunities to match business needs with work-based training
  • Encourage enterprise for year 6+ students through innovative projects delivered in partnership with local businesses
  • Offer the use of empty units and market stalls as pop-up shops to enable year 6+ students to sell products made in school
  • Develop a community cafe run by adults and young people with learning difficulties, supported by hospitality students, offering invaluable hands-on experience
  • Enable the area’s school-leavers with three ‘What Next’ pop-up careers events to take place in 2022

Green Initiatives

  • Undertake biodiversity audits and tree assessments to develop a positive environment in town centres, looking at projects such as bee hotels and wild flowering
  • Reduce traffic congestion by promoting the use of smaller cars and electric vehicles, encourage car sharing and support partners wanting to introduce cycle lanes
  • Increase recycling capacity by informing, educating and proactively promoting how and where businesses can recycle items
  • Support retail businesses throughout the district to replace all plastic bags with paper or cloth bags
  • Encourage our local hospitality businesses to introduce more meat-free dishes and introduce meat-free days to help the environment
  • Assist businesses to become more energy efficient and reduce their carbon footprint – and save money

The Experience

The North Notts BID will encourage local pride and contribute to making the district a real destination of choice for business, work, leisure, study and to live. The BID is a vote for the district’s economy and social future, for an even more prosperous North Nottinghamshire for us all.

The Destination

As the UK’s first area-wide, place-shaping BID, all eyes are on us. A BID will enable us to put North Nottinghamshire on the map as a ‘go to’ destination that is easily accessible to visitors and local businesses alike.