
Nottinghamsire Training Group

Up-skill your staff with a range of great courses.


No business can afford to remain stagnant, especially in today’s competitive times.

Specialist knowledge and well-honed skills are vital to take your company forward. We’ve partnered with the Nottinghamshire Training Group to offer tailored corporate training so that your workforce can achieve more. From childcare to business admin, we can up-skill your staff with a range of courses.

What is Emergency First Aid? Well, it’s exactly that, the first aid to be offered if an incident occurs. Not many of us are confronted with scenes of blood and gore in our everyday lives – so usually first aid could be as simple as sticking a plaster on a small cut. But what if you did find yourself confronted with a more serious situation? This Emergency aid course will highlight some of the most common situations that you might come across and the actions that you can take to help. In the most serious situations, a first aider’s role will be to assess the scene so that accurate information can be passed to Emergency services and then to act appropriately to try and increase the patients’ odds of survival.

These courses are aimed at users of display screen equipment (DSE) and those responsible for assessing display screen equipment. A ‘user’ is anyone who regularly uses display screen equipment for a significant part of their normal work. In practice, if you use display screen equipment continuously for more than one hour a day, then you’re a ‘user’. So, what do we mean by display screen equipment? The first thing most people think of is a computer monitor. But that’s not the only thing it refers to Display screen equipment could also mean laptops, tablet PCs, televisions, smartphones, CNC control pads, portable diagnostic screens or equipment containing cathode ray tubes, or CRTs. The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations contain special directives covering DSE safety. Both employers and employee-users have responsibilities under the legislation. These courses fulfil your statutory training obligations and covers among other things, the correct way to set up and use your display screen equipment safely. Reducing the risk of work-related conditions.

This course is aimed at anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height. The term work at height applies to a wide range of situations ranging from the obvious ones like working on platforms, ladders, scaffolds, or stages to working alongside deep trenches. This is because the crucial thing to understand about work at height is that it’s not how far you climb, but how far you can fall. ‘Falls’ doesn’t just mean people falling from heights. If materials or equipment fall, that will obviously present an equally dangerous hazard to anyone below. All working at height situations are covered by health and safety legislation. Chief among these is the Work at Height Regulations 2005. These regulations confer legal duties on employers and employees to assess, control and minimise risks and hazards from work at height. This course covers topics including the dangers of working at height, the regulations, the hierarchy of controls, assessing risk and much more. Important note: Please note that this is an awareness course only, if your duties include working at height, you will also need further practical training.

The Construction Design and Management Regulations cover the management of health, safety and welfare when carrying out construction projects. Whatever your role in the construction industry these regulations are there to improve your health and safety. They are intended to ensure that projects are planned and run effectively and safely right from the start. This awareness course covers the core concepts of the regulations and details the various roles that are required for a construction project along with the key documents that need to be produced. It starts with an introduction to CDM, then covers some of the parameters that need to be checked when a project is being planned. It finishes by detailing several example projects that illustrate how the regulations can be applied.

Risk assessment is a systematic method of looking at work activities and considering the things that could cause significant harm to people, property, or the environment. The most important purpose of risk assessments is to help prevent accidents and ensure the safety of employees and anyone affected by workplace activities. At the end of this course, candidates will understand what a risk assessment is and how to complete one. To achieve this the course will define important terms, provide some basic background information to explain how important risk assessments are and discuss some of the legislation that applies. It will then go on to provide practical advice on how to identify hazards and analyse risk before finishing off by explaining the responsibilities of both employers and employees with regards to risk assessment.

Electricity is the lifeblood of modern society; it enhances our quality of life and we are becoming increasingly reliant on it to power tools and devices we use for work and entertainment. However, although electricity has many benefits it can also be a hidden killer as it can’t be seen, felt, smelled, or heard until someone encounters it. This course will start by covering the many benefits electricity brings to society, as well as its key components voltage, current and resistance. It will explain the two main types of electricity, cover UK accident and death statistics, and describe a simple way of remembering the electrical hazards. It then goes on to provide basic instructions about how you could safely help someone you suspect has received an electric shock. Towards the end of the course, it includes an overview of the main standards, guidance and legislation that control the use of electricity in the workplace and finish off by looking at simple maintenance plans and portable appliance testing including who within an organisation would be best to carry out the various checks.

Noise at work can cause hearing damage that is permanent and disabling. This damage is preventable if the right steps are taken but once your hearing has gone it will not come back. It can also interfere with communications by stopping people from being able to understand or follow conversations and it can make verbal warnings or alarms harder to hear. These issues can lead to further safety risks that put people at risk of injury or even death. This course will show you how dangerous noise can be in the workplace, and the main safety issues you should be aware of. It will take you through some of the simple science, the main laws that apply and introduce you to noise level limits. It also covers some of the specific health risks and how to avoid them by producing risk assessments, action plans and through the provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment. It concludes by examining how to provide information and instruction to employees, along with the most professional way to conduct health surveillance of the workforce.

Positive Handling is a very serious subject. Knowing when and how to act in a difficult situation can be the difference between a positive outcome and a potentially career ending prosecution. This course will start by looking at some examples and statistics which highlight the seriousness and extent of aggressive pupil behaviour, it will then go on to explain how you can identify the stages of aggression and provide some tips on how you could de-escalate a pupil before they lash out. It also looks at where the law stands on this subject and finally best practice in theory if you ever do need to restrain a pupil.

‘Unmanaged conflict is the largest reducible cost in organisations today, and the least recognised’. Our society, and therefore our workplaces, are full of individuals with very different backgrounds, beliefs, values, and attitudes. With such diversity conflict, at some point, is inevitable. Conflict in workplaces is not only inevitable, it can be valuable. That is if it is handled correctly and focused on the right areas. This course will consider what conflict is as well as its impact and role in the workplace. We will consider some of the triggers for workplace conflict and how it develops before looking at several different ways of managing it.

The Health and Safety Executive states that ‘work related stress develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them’. This can come from any aspect of their life, but it often comes from demands placed on them at work. So why is stress a problem in the workplace? Well, the latest estimates show the total number of cases of work-related stress depression or anxiety account for 39% of all work-related illness. Some occupations may be more susceptible to stress, but it can affect anyone and can impact on health, ability to function effectively at work and at home and in relationships. This course will cover an introduction to stress and why it’s a problem, some of the causes of stress and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.

Good Time Management will improve and enhance the time spent in the workplace and can even go a long way to improving the quality of the work you produce. For most people however this is easier said than done. We’ve all experienced that feeling of having more work to do than we can possibly complete in the time we have. This can lead to increased stress… dissatisfaction… and demoralisation. This course can help, by introducing you to some of the theories and techniques of time management that can really make a difference.

A leader doesn’t necessarily have to be a ‘manager’, but it’s difficult to see how a manager could be truly effective without having at least some leadership skills. This course will introduce you to some of the import techniques and theories that can help you to improve your leadership skills and be more effective in your role.

This course will define employee relations and cover the many benefits good relations can bring to an organisation. It’ll explain how to build confidence in management, including sharing the company vision, building strong teams and the importance of employee feedback. It’ll examine how a proactive HR presence benefits employee relations. Then look at employment contracts and the role of the Employee Handbook. The course briefly discusses Performance Management including information on motivating employees and how best to show your appreciation of their contribution to the company. Finally, it’ll show you how to deal effectively with complaints, discipline and how to combat negativity.

Delegating effectively can be difficult. It means identifying the right tasks to delegate, overcoming barriers to delegation, and taking the time to delegate properly so that everyone knows what they’re expected to do and by when. This course will start with the essentials – defining exactly what we mean by delegation and why it’s so important. It then goes into details about the elements of delegation, overcoming the barriers to delegation, how you can choose which tasks to delegate and who to, the process of delegation and much more.

In any organisation, the traditional model of strict command and control wastes a significant amount of time and money. Mutual trust, employee motivation and readiness to perform can easily be undermined. Performance management, on the other hand, offers a different, much more effective approach. In formal terms, performance management involves the achievement of performance targets through the effective management of people and the environment in which they operate. It’s about setting achievable goals for the organisation and targets for individuals and teams.

Developing Teamwork is all about building stronger relationships within your team by getting to know each other better and creating the foundations for an exceptionally high performing group of people. This course will start by explaining in detail what team working is and cover some of the basic principles for putting together a group of people who will work well together. It then goes on to cover conflict within teams, explaining some of the reasons conflict occurs and some strategies for managing conflict. It finishes off by exploring some of the different styles of management behaviour and how to develop a resilient team.

Setting clear and precise goals and objectives ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal, allowing for business and personal growth. Objectives clarify priorities and allow employees to allocate their time and resources more effectively. They also introduce a way of understanding how work will be measured and evaluated, thus enabling employees to evaluate their own performance, and adjust, as necessary. This course aims to help you write effective objectives that deliver results. It covers the importance of goals and objectives and why we need them, the barriers to you achieving your objectives and how to overcome them, what SMART objectives are and how to write and identify them and concludes with some tips for successful objective setting.

The course starts with some basic definitions and statistics that outline how important running meetings effectively can be. It examines factors that make meetings great, and some practical steps you can take to ensure everything runs smoothly and successful outcomes are achieved. It also covers some of the ways you can handle any problems that may arise. Finally, it looks at different decision-making approaches you can use and finishes off with some notes on keeping a learning log to help you learn and grow, ultimately becoming a more confident and effective participant or chairperson.

Without solid sales skills success in most aspects of business would be impossible. After all, when you think about it selling is just explaining benefits of making one decision over another. When you reduce them down to their core sales skills are communication skills and Communication skills are vital in all aspects of business. The course will start by providing an overview of the basic rules for sales people, along with the right mindset, self-assessment, and the goals you’ll need in the short, medium, and long term. It’ll cover cold calling, including how to prepare, what to say and how to deal with gatekeepers as well as walking you through a typical face-to-face meeting. You’ll learn how to start a meeting, the questions you need to ask your prospect, practical tips for presentations including, staying relaxed, getting across your main messages, handling questions, and using presentation aids. We’ll also be analysing how you can sell by stressing the results prospects can expect if they buy, and how best to play to their emotions. We’ll look at negotiation. We’ll highlight how you can avoid it, what to say if you’re drawn into it, and how you can use your negotiating skills to land the sale and much more.

Giving a successful presentation can be one of the hardest parts of many people’s jobs. Ultimately preparation will be the key to success when it comes to giving a presentation, but how do you make sure you are prepared enough? What about the structure? The content? How should you use visual aids? Being a successful presenter also involves understanding your audience, their expectations, and needs. This course covers the common mistakes people make when preparing for and giving a presentation so you can avoid these, as well as going over good practice and providing some practical advice that you can put to good use the next time you have a big presentation to make.

When a project is managed correctly it ensures that there’s a sound business reason for undertaking the project, that it’s clear who’s involved in delivering the project, what the expected outcomes are and how resources and risks will be managed throughout the project. When it’s done poorly the project can suffer from feature creep, delays, go over budget or not get finished at all. This course covers some of the common project management methodologies, setting goals, and achieving them, identifying the need for a project to be started, using key project management tools and much more.

This course will start by making it very clear exactly what we mean by customer service, and why it’s so vital. It then goes into detail about the goals of great customer service, communication skills both verbal and non-verbal, discovering and understanding customer needs and much more.

Negotiation is a basic means of getting what you want from others. It’s a back-and-forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed. This course covers the basics of what constitutes a negotiation, the key stages of a negotiation, skills you can apply to your negotiations and some practical advice so you can bring all this together and become a more effective negotiator.

Employee absence can be costly in terms of both lost time and money. It impacts businesses, managers, and colleagues in ways that range from them having to take on extra work or undertake additional training, to experiencing additional stress and a drop in morale. This course will help you to understand the different types of absence and Identify ways of measuring absence. It covers why you should complete return-to-work forms and how to conduct effective return-to-work meetings. The course finishes off by explaining the formal processes involved in managing absence and how to apply appropriate policies.

The aims of the disciplinary procedure are to provide a framework within which managers can work with employees to maintain satisfactory standards of conduct and to encourage improvement when necessary. This course covers the aims of the disciplinary procedure, penalties including investigations, allegations and suspensions, procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.

Your Company should be committed to providing a working environment free from harassment and bullying and ensuring all staff are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect. This course covers the commitments that will be laid out in your company’s anti-harassment and bullying policy. It then explains the differences between harassment and bullying, the steps that can be taken if either of these occur in or out of work, and some case studies to illustrate the points covered throughout the course.

This course will start by defining sexual harassment and explaining how protection comes from both employment law and criminal law. You’ll see from workplace statistics how widespread and serious the problem is, and how the management response to concerns raised is often poor or non-existent. It also addresses how allegations should be handled, explains the importance of having clear and robust policies and the role line managers tend to take when it comes to dealing with these situations.

This course acts as an introduction to personal safety for lone workers and applies to those that work alone within business premises, mobile workers, and homeworkers. It covers the legal responsibilities of both employers and employees, some of the common security precautions that can be implemented, practical steps you can take to avoid conflict in lone worker situations and other elements that can contribute to lone worker safety.

In this course you’ll learn about the prevalence and different types of ‘sharps litter’ that can be found in the UK. It then covers the primary and secondary risks from sharps including some of the common blood borne viruses. It also covers the responsibilities of employers, the equipment needed and the effectiveness of PPE. Finally, it’ll cover how to report discarded sharps and the correct procedures to follow if you’re unlucky enough to receive a sharps injury.

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