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North Notts BID is seeking quotations from providers to supply a comprehensive package of savings to its Members.

North Notts Business Improvement District (BID) is the UK’s first ever area-wide, place shaping BID.  It is the second largest BID in the UK by geography as well as being the second largest by number of levy payers.    

The idea to develop a BID for North Nottinghamshire came about following a successful place shaping campaign in 2013/14 when a private sector Place Board was formed to deliver the place shaping objectives, and our North Notts Envoys ambassador scheme was born. 

Due to the success of this work and the engagement and passion our businesses have for improving the area that they work and live in, the North Notts Place Board decided to develop a BID for North Nottinghamshire.  After extensive consultation with our businesses this concept was taken to ballot, and on 17 May 2017 we received the overwhelming results that over 85% of our businesses, by both numbers and rateable value, had voted in favour of developing North Notts BID.  

North Notts BID is not Council or local Government, it is private sector led and run, and has been developed as businesses wanted to take control of what is happening in the area.  

BIDs aren’t unique – there are now around 330 in the UK and ones close to us include Lincoln, Sheffield, Mansfield and Nottingham that have all been running successfully – Lincoln is in its third five-year term. North Notts Business Improvement District (BID) is the UKs first ever area-wide, place shaping BID.

More information on what a BID is can be found at:

UK BIDs are governed under the Local Government Act 2003 – refer to Part 4 on this webpage:

Savings Service requirements:

 North Notts BID will require the successful company to:

  • Provide a reactive no fee and commission free brokerage service to BID Members
  • Providing the BID with relevant marketing materials to promote the savings service
  • Help the BID to undertake case studies with members taking up the savings service
  • Attending face-to-face or online networking events
  • Helping to establish and grow the BID brand through building relationships
  • Delivering cost savings through engagement with BID members
  • Being the ‘face’ of the BID for savings and support via face-to-face or online meeting and calls
  • Focusing on “quick wins” to realise a return on investment for the BID and neutralise the levy for members which ultimately raises the profile of the BID and brings commercial benefit to members.

Savings Offered:

Ideally the service should offer savings on, but not limited to:

  • Energy
  • Telecoms
  • Merchant Fees
  • Insurance
  • Pest Control
  • Print
  • Stationery
  • Legal/HR

Where feasible local BID members should be used to provide services.

Requirements of Quotation: 

Written quotations must include:

  • Full business address
  • Company registration number
  • VAT number
  • Summary of your business’s history, experience and knowledge of the North Notts area.
  • Copies of Public liability and Employer liability insurances
  • Description of work to be carried out
  • Full break down of costs for each section of the savings service package requirements


Please submit your tender offer in accordance with all of the instructions, requirements and specifications set out in this tender document.

You must treat this document, and any further information provided by North Notts BID, as confidential at all times.

Nothing in this tender document, or any other communication made between North Notts BID and any other party, can be considered a contract or agreement at this stage.

Closing Date: 

The closing date for completed submissions is: 5pm on Friday 30th October 2020

 Submissions received after this date and time will not be accepted.


North Notts BID reserves the right to disqualify any tenders that do not fully comply with the requirements in the tender documentation, in particular the closing time and date.

North Notts BID reserves the right to evaluate proposals on a variety of criteria. The proposal with the lowest price will not automatically mean that it will be the successful tender.

Validity of offer: 

You must offer your tender for acceptance for 60 days from the deadline for tender submission.

Please note that by submitting a tender response for consideration you are confirming that, as a representative for the company/organisation that you represent, you have read and understood the tender documents and that your offer to North Notts BID is open for acceptance for 60 days from the tender closing date.


If we need to amend any tender documents before the closing date, we will write to you with any changes. If we extend the deadline for tender responses, we will advise you.

North Notts BID reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to cancel or suspend this tender process at any time and for any reason. If we need to do this we will notify you in writing as soon as reasonably practicable.

North Notts BID is not responsible, and will not pay for any expenses or losses you incur during, but not limited to, the tender preparation, site visits, post-tender negotiations or interviews.

Return of Tender:

You must submit your tender response/proposal electronically via email to  by the tender response deadline of 5pm on Friday 30th  October 2020.

Any tender delivered after the closing date and time for any reason will be discounted.  North Notts BID is not responsible if all or part of your tender is not received.

If you wish to discuss any elements of this tender please contact:

Steve Corderoy-Foster, Operations & Projects Manager

 Tel: 07899 900453