

Smartwater Scaled 1

We have officially launched the use of SmartWater – a traceable liquid and forensic asset-marking system that can identify individuals and deter theft – across Bassetlaw industrial estates to tackle business crime.

SmartWater’s SmartTrace technology contains a unique forensic code that can trace valuable business assets – such as IT equipment – back to their owner.

Delivered through the Industrial Watch scheme as part of the BID-led North Notts Business Crime Reduction Partnership (NNBCRP), the SmartWater system will be in operation for the whole of the BID’s second five-year term. The project has commenced with the rollout of SmartWater on two prominent industrial estates, starting with Aurillac Way in Retford and soon to be followed by Sandy Lane in Worksop.

George Buchanan, chair of the North Notts BID board, said:

“SmartWater is a great benefit to BID levy payers as crime affects all businesses. The cutting-edge technology in SmartWater, being offered in North Notts by the BID, closes the net down for opportunist theft. This shows the BID’s commitment to the Business Crime Reduction Partnership alongside increased CCTV coverage, town centre radios, Truckpol and the DISC app.

“We are listening to our members via the Industrial Watch scheme to gauge the direct need for SmartWater on an estate-by-estate basis. We already have plans to extend it further in the coming months and we encourage all businesses to take advantage of the SmartWater scheme as it rolls out. The more businesses that use this in one area, the more successful it will be.”

Free to BID members located on industrial estates in Bassetlaw, North Notts BID will cover the cost of operating licences for organisations to be registered on the SmartWater database. Businesses that sign up to the initiative will receive a security pack with forensic liquid and application instructions, as well as deterrent labels and signage.

Businesses have an individual responsibility to register with SmartWater and – in the case of theft – work with the organisation and police to recover stolen assets, as well as support during forensic analysis and criminal proceedings.

Scott Harris, business development manager at DeterTech, owners of The SmartWater Group, said:

“Helping to keep businesses and communities safe every day is part of our ethos at DeterTech, so we are delighted to be working in partnership with North Notts BID to help deter acquisitive crime on the Retford industrial estate, Nottinghamshire.

“By encouraging businesses in the Retford area to deploy SmartWater at their premises, we are confident that criminals will think twice before targeting this industrial estate in future. DeterTech have a track record of reducing crime in business parks and industrial estates. After rolling out SmartWater and deterrent signage to Stafford Park in Telford, businesses in the area saw an 80% decrease in criminal incidents.”

Lewis Hunt, general manager of CSL Traffic Management Equipment Hire Ltd based on Aurillac Way, said:

“We found having SmartWater on our products is very reassuring due to our traffic light systems being delivered to all over the UK. This could be easily tracked back to us within seconds of the police finding the equipment if anything was to go missing. We will continue to use SmartWater on all our products.”