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Savings Service – Waste Management Feasibility Launch.

Landfill Web

Working with Meercat Associates we are launching a waste management feasibility study to review what BID Members are disposing of in North Notts.

We want to help reduce the large percentage of waste collected which ends up in landfill.

The ‘Zero to landfill‘ initiative is at the core of our partnership with Meercat waste management strategy, ensuring we provide waste disposal which is environmentally beneficial while reducing costs significantly. 

We want to know how you, the North Notts Business community manage your waste with the view to conducting a tender with local suppliers to formally appoint a preferred supplier for BID Members. 

Please take a few minutes to complete Meercat’s survey –

Once completed do share on social media with your fellow BID Members and encourage them to also have their say. 

Benefits of the Waste Initiative:

* Improving service
* Reducing costs
* Reducing traffic flows
* Improving air quality
* Increasing recycling
* Reducing waste to landfill
* Reducing carbon footprints

If you have any questions regarding the initiative, please contact us.

We thank-you in advance for your assistance with this great and transformative project.