North Notts Book Bench Journeys Statement

Book Bench Website Painting 1 1

In light of the current impact of COVID-19 on schools across the UK, Sally Gillborn, chief executive of North Notts BID, has issued the following statement: 

Following the latest government advice to close schools, North Notts BID has postponed the North Notts Journeys literary trail until further notice 

The painting and decorating of the ‘BookBenches’ will resume once students are able to return tschoolThe healthsafety and well-being of staff and students is of the utmost importance and we look forward to picking this back up when the time is right.  

Once complete, we hope the trail will help to reinvigorate local high streets across North Nottinghamshire and reattract some of the footfall that has been lost during these uncertain times. 

North Notts BID will continue to support both local schools and businesses across the district, helping them to understand the advice and support that is being provided by the government in the coming months.” 

Information on the ‘North Notts Book Bench Trail’ can be found here.

If you would like to discuss this further please email to arrange a call back.