
Could you become part of the Mayflower Legacy Oaks Project?

Oak Website

Bassetlaw District Council is working on an exciting Legacy Project which you could be a part of.

To Celebrate the 400th anniversary of the journey of the Mayflower Pilgrims to America, Bassetlaw District Council is working with Sherwood Forest Trust on an exciting Legacy project.

The objective of the project is to plant oak trees, many grown from Sherwood Forest acorns, across the District to commemorate the Pilgrims and to provide a legacy for hundreds of years to come.

To that end, the Council are looking to work with businesses, land owners and local communities to identify suitable sites to plant the oaks.

If you would wish to participate in this project and have a potential site in mind please contact David Armiger for further details – david.armiger@bassetlaw.gov.uk

About Mayflower 400:

“The year 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of the historic voyage of the Mayflower ship from the UK to the ‘New World’ of America.

The anniversary will commemorate the legacy of the passengers and crew who undertook the epic journey inspired by an unquenchable desire for freedom; and for whom the voyage promised newfound liberty. ” ~ Mayflower 400 Website.